Parent Tips

  • Here are some suggestions to help your child have a successful school year.

    Ways to Help Your Child Be Successful: 

    • Help your child maintain regular attendance and punctuality

    • Establish a structured routine in the home (bed time, free time, wake time, breakfast, etc)

    • Establish a daily structured homework routine and assist the student with work

    • Assist the student daily or weekly with organizing her materials and backpack

    • Daily, check your student’s planner, checklist, chart, or other tracking and monitoring forms, signing them as appropriate and relevant to the established plan

    • Provide frequent opportunities for your student to interact with peers, engage in activities with peers, invite peers to the house, etc.

    • Monitor your student’s academics, behavior, and attendance on Power School

    • Maintain regular communication with teachers, administrators and school

    • When the teacher reports behavior and other incidents to the parent/Guardian, they will discuss it with the student at home and take appropriate actions

    • Follow through with rewards, incentives, and praise at home

    • Give your student positive praise and encouragement

    • Follow through with consequences and discipline at home

    • Discuss behavior incidents with your student and review rules, expectations, procedures, and consequences

    • Discuss cause and effect and consequences of behaviors with your child

    • Teach, reinforce, and role play conflict resolution, coping, anger management, and relationship strategies and skills

    • Attend behavior and academic meetings and conferences

    • Pick up your child within 30 minutes of being called, if your child is sick or needs something

    • Let your child’s teacher, principal or another trusted staff member know if you have any concerns, the sooner the better, so the concerns may be addressed

    • Know that the Sadler staff is going to look out for your children.  Children do not need to fight at school. Adults will supervise and intercede at all times.  Students need to put all their efforts into succeeding in the classroom. They need to fight for learning and reading and math.  If you have a concern with safety, let the teacher know or let the principal know so they can help you fix the problem.

    • We want the same things.  We want your children to be safe and learn and grow.

    Ways to help your child and your child’s school succeed:

    • Join a parent committee

    • Make decisions about the direction of the school with budgets and activities

    • Attend monthly parent Meetings

    • Attend parent Meetings with the Superintendent once or twice a year

    • Attend School Improvement Team meetings to make decisions about the school direction

    • Be a school communicator

    • Volunteer with a school fundraiser like the book fair or barbecue

    • Join the Beautification Team

    • Volunteer with students

    • Plan Homecoming

    • Provide Parent leadership

    • Reach out to businesses and community partners 

    • Instill a sense of ownership and build pride in Sadler